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Join date: Jun 1, 2023


Greater Kailash is a posh residential area in South Delhi, India. However, it has become infamous for its thriving prostitution industry, with Greater Kailash escorts being some of the most sought-after and expensive prostitutes in the city. These women come from different parts of the country and even neighboring countries like Nepal and Bangladesh to make ends meet by selling their bodies. Despite being illegal, prostitution continues to flourish here due to high demand from affluent clients who seek anonymity and discretion. The trade is run by pimps who manage these women's affairs, ensuring that they get paid well but also taking a significant portion of their earnings. The life of Greater Kailash escorts may seem glamorous on the surface because they earn more than many people do in a month within just an hour or two. But this illusion quickly fades away when one considers the physical dangers involved as well as emotional trauma that comes with such work - which can leave long-lasting scars on them for years to come. 

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Greater kailash escorts

Greater kailash escorts

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