Shinichi Daimyo, CNP
Languages Spoken:
Clinical Population Served:
Adolescents, College Students/Early Adults, Adults
My Approach to Therapy:
Growing up in the refugee, immigrant, and communities of color of Los Angeles, I witnessed the complex struggle of building a better life and dealing with complex trauma, with no mental health support available. Through work in the Navajo Nation, with refugees in New Mexico, Minnesota, Connecticut, Massachusetts, with poor and homeless communities in Philadelphia, and rural communities throughout Asia, Central and Latin America, the Caribbean, and sub-Saharan Africa, I developed a deep empathy for the common struggle of lack of access to mental health care. This empathy, combined with learning from these incredible communities the importance of mental health care that is steeped in dignity, trust, and empowerment, drove me to become a psychiatric nurse practitioner. I aim to bring this empathy and these values into every moment of care I provide to my clients.
Sliding Scale:
Philadelphia PA 19130
Accepting New Clients:
Specialty Areas:
•Anxiety •Depression •Family Dynamics •Grief/Loss •Interpersonal Relationships •Men of Color/Men's Health
Service Types:
In-Network Insurances:
Therapy, Psychiatry/Medication, TeleHealth/Video Sessions